The Instructor Dr. Manaf A. Guma / Department of Applied Chemistry participates as a representative on behalf of the graduates of British universities from Iraq in the annual cooperative meeting between the Iraqi and British government.

The Instructor Dr. Manaf A. Guma / Department of Applied Chemistry participates as a representative on behalf of the graduates of British universities from Iraq in the annual cooperative meeting between the Iraqi and British government.

 The Instructor Dr. Manaf AGuma / Department of Applied Chemistry, representing the graduates of British universities in the Professional Network for Iraq Alumni - UK, participated in the annual cooperative meeting between the Iraqi and British government. The meeting included the advancement of the scientific and other reality of Iraq.


The meeting was attended by Dr. Nazim Al-Zahawi, Minister of Higher Education in the British government, and a number of university presidents and officials in the United Kingdom and on Iraq. The President of the University of Baghdad, the Iraqi Consul in Britain, and the official of the Iraqi IBBC network attended the meeting.

The meeting was held in person in London, Britain, and electronically via Zoom.

That was on 20th of Sep 2021

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