Deans of College of Computer
The Dean of the College of Computer Science and Information Technology Name Start End Assist. Prof Salah Sleibe Mustafa 25-8-1999 27-12-2005 PhD-Asst. Prof Azmi Tawfiq Al-Rawi 28-12-2005 15-4-2006 Prof . Sufyan Taih Faraj 18-6-2006 18-4-2010 Prof. Murtadha M. Hamad 18-4-2010 2-7-2015 PhD-Asst.Prof Abdul Kareem Najem 5-7-2015 24-10-2018 Prof. Belal Ismail Khalil 28-10-2018 5-11-2019 PhD-Asst.Prof Ahmad Noori Rashed 6-11-2019 18-12-2019 PhD- Prof Salah Awad Salman 19-12-2019