Holding a scientific workshop entitled ((The Fourth Industrial Revolution))

Holding a scientific workshop entitled ((The Fourth Industrial Revolution))


The Continuing Education Center in the Deanship of the College of Computer Science and Information Technology held a scientific workshop under the title ((The Fourth Industrial Revolution)), on Wednesday 4/1/2023 at twelve o'clock in the afternoon, and in the Al-Khwarizmi Hall, as its axes were managed by the two teachers (Assistant Teacher Khitam Abd al-Basit Muhammad + Assistant Teacher Taiser Ahmed Yassin) It aimed to educate students with knowledge of the future of the world in light of the Fourth Industrial Revolution for all economic, social, political and educational levels. The workshop included (previous industrial revolutions - technologies of the fourth industrial revolution - the future of education in light of the fourth industrial revolution - artificial intelligence with the fourth industrial revolution).


Media and Public Relations Division

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