The visit of the ministerial committee to introduce a master's degree in the Department of Computer Network Systems

The visit of the ministerial committee to introduce a master's degree in the Department of Computer Network Systems



On Sunday morning, 21-4-2024, the Dean of the College of Computer Science and Information Technology, the scientific and administrative assistants and the heads of the scientific departments received a ministerial committee to review the college's preparations to introduce postgraduate studies (master's degree) in the Department of Computer Network Systems. The committee was briefed on the number of professors of the department and their scientific specialisations, and the infrastructure prepared for it in the college, especially the existing laboratories supported by various research laboratory equipment, as well as the classrooms and advanced technological means used to deliver lectures. The ministerial committee was very pleased with this great development and full preparations and praised the great efforts exerted by the deanship of the college and the dedicated faculty and staff.


Media and Government Communication Division


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