Scientific Seminar: Protecting the Family and Strengthening its Ties

Scientific Seminar: Protecting the Family and Strengthening its Ties


Based on the directives provided by the Department of Women's Affairs at the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research to hold awareness and guidance seminars and workshops in (protecting the family and strengthening its bonds), the Women's Affairs Unit at the college held a webinar on Monday evening, 22-4-2024, at nine o'clock, entitled: ‘Information Technology and the Transformation of Family Dynamics between Integration and Disintegration’: Information Technology and the Transformation of Family Dynamics between Integration and Disintegration, lectured by Dr. Israa Saeed Assi / University of Baghdad / Women's Studies Centre, and Dr. Doha Badr Al-Lami / University of Baghdad / Kindergarten Department, the session was moderated by Dr. Makarem Abdulwahid Al-Turki, the college's Women's Affairs Officer. The symposium included several themes that discussed the impact of technology on family relations and the dynamic transformations of the family and its causes, and discussed judicial decisions on cybercrimes and provided statistics on divorce rates for the last three years in the governorates of Iraq, as well as ways to enhance family integration and strengthen ties in the age of technology, and the last theme addressed the impact of family disintegration on children and how to protect children from cybercrimes, including child trafficking, cyber suicide and cyber recruitment. The session also included discussions from academics, clerics and civil society. Important recommendations were made by the lecturers and participants in the symposium.


Media and Government Communication Division

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