Reserve the site for college in Kirkuk

Reserve the site for college in Kirkuk

Reserve the site for college in Kirkuk
To / of all students enrolled at the site of Kirkuk
The praise of God and the infinite receipt of the reserve location for our college in Kirkuk and thanks God always start it on Sunday, 1 - 11 - 2015 academic year 2015-2016 will be working according to the schedule the school below, according to hours and times specified therein and days:
1. Saturday, where lectures start at nine o'clock in the morning and continue until four o'clock in the afternoon (interspersed with an hour break)
2. Sunday and Monday and Tuesday, where he lectures start of the second half pm and continue until four o'clock in the afternoon and a half
Note that the site reserve for our college is in the College of Education - Hawija behind jewels Mall, as shown in the picture below Rajin All students are required of times always striving to succeed and excel, and do not miss the college to thank both sought to this effort without asking the Lord of the gaze to grant an exception everyone faith, health and security prevail throughout our country.

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