Distinguished media workshop at Anbar University

Distinguished media workshop at Anbar University

The intensive training workshop held by the Department of Media and Public Relations for the officials of the media people in the faculties and members of the liaison was concluded at the University of Anbar, which lasted for Sunday and Monday 3-4 / this month, and was attended by the President of the University, in which lectures were given in writing the press release and what are the conditions for writing the news Journalism, electronic publishing, the hashtag industry, and the most important points to know about hashtags, video photography, photography, and montage.

For his part, the President of the University stressed that there must be an updated and insightful view of how to accurately deal with the university’s academic reputation, and we need an important and serious pause to update visions in line with the requirements of the next stage and focus on qualitative news such as patents, recommendations of an important scientific workshop, master’s theses and distinguished doctoral theses And other scientific innovations and ideas



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