Awareness and educational lectures about people with special needs

Awareness and educational lectures about people with special needs




The Deanship of the College of Computer Science and Information Technology has organized awareness campaigns and educational seminars to raise social awareness in order to establish a positive image of people with special needs.

A campaign was organized to give awareness and educational lectures by the lecturer (Miss. Shokhan Mahmoud Al-Barzanji / Master of Computer Science) and these seminars were held in Al-Khwarizmi Hall in the college.

Below are the names of the awareness and educational seminars that were delivered:

1- The first educational symposium entitled (Mental Health in Dealing with People with Special Needs), which was held on Sunday, 4/9/2023.

2- The second educational symposium entitled (The role of society in dealing with people with special needs in the field of education), which was held on Monday, 10/4/2023.

3- The third educational symposium entitled (Social Inclusion of People with Special Needs in Education Institutions), which was held on Tuesday, 4/11/2023.



Division of Information and Public Relations


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