The central celebration of the Women’s Empowerment Unit in our college

The central celebration of the Women’s Empowerment Unit in our college



With the blessing of the Dean of the College, the respected Professor Dr. Salah Awad Salman, the Women’s Empowerment Unit in our college held a central celebration in Al-Khwarizmi Hall today, Monday 11-27-2023, as this celebration coincided with the 16-day campaign to combat violence against women, which is considered a strategy adopted by its organizers to reduce Violence against women, which began on November 25.

At the beginning of the celebration, there was a speech by the honorable Brigadier General, in addition to showing a documentary video on reducing violence against women, in addition to the various activities and theatrical activities entitled (The Warmth of Fatherhood). It was attended by the dean’s assistants, department heads, and a large group of teachers, employees, and students.


Media and Government Communications Division

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