The College of Science achieves third place at the university level in the Twelfth Graduation Research Creative Forum

The College of Science achieves third place at the university level in the Twelfth Graduation Research Creative Forum

 Students of the Biotechnology Department in the College of Science achieved third place at the university level for scientific specializations in the 12th Graduation Research Creative Forum through their participation in the graduation research titled (The effect of nanoenzymes prepared in green on bacterial biofilms of different local clinical isolates)

(( Impact of Green Synthesis Nanozymes on Bacterial Biofilm of Different Clinical Local Isolates
Submitted by the students (Aya Muhammad Naji, Aya Gamal, Somaya Mazen, Afaq Suleiman, Abdullah Ibrahim) under the supervision of A.M.D. Hoda Musleh Mahmoud University.
  It is considered an important topic in the field of biotechnology, which is distinguished by its elaborate scientific method and precise methodology, and provides innovative results of great scientific value.
The research aims to manufacture nanoenzymes from Moringa and Oleifera plant extracts, where modern techniques were used in preparation and characterization as an industrial enzyme at a lower cost than natural sources, and testing their efficiency on different bacterial isolates.

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