Workshop on (writing a thesis professionally)

Workshop on (writing a thesis professionally)

 Within the cultural and scientific season of the College of Science / University of Anbar, a workshop was held for postgraduate students on ((writing a thesis professionally using Microsoft Word)) on Tuesday, March 29, 2022 at exactly ten o'clock in the morning. Dr.. Esraa Badr Al-Mashhadani, a teacher in the Department of Computer Engineering - College of Engineering - Al-Nahrain University, where the lecture showed the capabilities of the program, which facilitates the postgraduate student to print the master’s thesis and doctoral thesis in an integrated manner that facilitates the corrections and additions required before and after the discussion. The workshop was moderated by Mr. Dean The College of Science, the Associate Dean for Student Affairs and the Director of the Quality Assurance Division, and a large number of graduate students and interested researchers attended the workshop. After the workshop, the Dean of the College of Science presented a certificate of appreciation and a letter of thanks and appreciation to the lecturer for her efforts and the trouble of traveling, in addition to the joint scientific cooperation between Al-Nahrain University and Anbar University.

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