The College of Science participates with the Iraqi police on the occasion of its founding

The College of Science participates with the Iraqi police on the occasion of its founding

 Under the guidance of the Dean of the College of Science, Prof. Dr. Esmat Ramzi Abdul Ghafour, the Women's Empowerment Unit participated with a group of students in our college in the celebration of the Iraqi Police on the occasion of the one hundred and second anniversary of its establishment, which falls on January 9 of each year, by offering congratulations and distributing flowers and sweets to the affiliates, as the Iraqi Police is one of the most important formations of the Ministry of Interior, which is the regular force that works to maintain the internal security of the country and helps in the application of laws and legislation that are enacted by the state.

On this occasion, the Dean of the College congratulated the heroes of the Iraqi police on the occasion of their one hundred and second anniversary, saying that the Iraqi police were and still continue day and night in order to serve Iraq and its people.
On this happy occasion, the staff of the Faculty of Science extends all love and pride to all officers and employees of the Iraqi police on the occasion of their 102nd anniversary every year, and the Iraqi police with a thousand good wishes, asking God Almighty to protect Iraq and its people and to house our martyrs who sacrificed their lives in His spacious paradise.

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