Department of Scientific Affairs

Department of Scientific Affairs

About the Department:

The Department of Scientific Affairs has been established after it was a division of the Department of Scientific Affairs and Graduate Studies, which was splitted according to the letter issued by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research - Legal Department No. S / 4/4/906 on 28/2/2017. The department is affiliated with the Assistant President for Scientific Affairs and its mission is to organize and develop the various scientific and creative activities of the University and follow them continuously through coordination and communication with the Deans of the Faculties and their Assistants for Scientific Affairs.


Department Director:

Professor Dr. Qutaiba Farhan Dawood

The Department of Scientific Affairs consists of two sections and nine units. It deals with all scientific and research activities and activities of the teaching staff (research plans, scientific research findings, patents, textbooks writing and assistance). The department also keeps up with the development of curricula and related issues. It also supervises holding conferences, symposia and workshops during the year. Moreover, it follows the regulations of publishing in the scientific journals of the university in accordance with the publishing instructions approved by the Ministry of Higher Education. It follows the work of the Consultancy Bureaus. The department, through the Central Laboratory Unit and its sophisticated apparatus, is responsible for developing scientific research activity for postgraduate students and researchers in general. It also has the ability to contribute to the process of maximizing the resources of the University.


The Department includes the following units:

1. The Scientific Affairs Section. (5 Units)

2. The Section of Scientific Research. (4 Units)


The Powers and Responsibilities of the Department:

1. The preparation and follow-up of the scientific activities of the University (conferences, seminars and workshops) in collaboration with the Colleges.

2. Follow-up and supervision of the implementation of the plans of scientific research of the teaching staff in the University. Update the completed, published and planned research according to the system of periodic update approved by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research every three months.

3. Keeping contact with the research centers to develop their work.

4. Follow-up of the periodic classification of Scientific Journals of the University, and follow-up the meetings reports after approving their items by the Assistant President for Scientific Affairs.

5. Supervising the process of controlling the circulation of chemical and biological materials in the Faculties of the University. Inventory the chemical materials in the Faculties according to certain system and send them to the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research every six months.

6. Follow-up the implementation of research projects of the University teaching staff.

7. Supervision and Follow-up of founding new Colleges, Scientific departments and research centers with supplying the necessary human and material resources as well as obtaining the authentic approvals to found them.

8. The preparation of plans for providing the sophisticated apparatus and requirements for the scientific labs laboratories of the University and follow-up the receiving of the devices within the infrastructure program as well as the coordination among Colleges and the centers of the University and Ministry.

9. Follow-up and systemize the procedures academic leave for the teaching staff (inside and outside Iraq).

10. Follow-up the mechanisms of cooperation and joint actions between our university and other universities and ministries periodically.

11. Nominate the teaching staff members and employees of the University to participate in conferences, symposia and workshops inside and outside the country.

12. Prepare and systemize quarterly statistics for the syllabus and patents in the Colleges of the university.

13. Sending the innovative works and patents to the ministry periodically after completing the procedures of innovators committee formed by the university in accordance with the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research.

14. Follow-up the update and development of curricula in the Colleges of the University following the curricula guide prepared in the departments.

15. Central Laboratory Unit contributes effectively in giving the chance for postgraduate students and researchers to do the practical part of their research and to conduct the laboratory tests using the sophisticated apparatus of the lab.

16. Follow-up the program of developing the teaching staff of the university via delegating them outside Iraq for training purposes.

17. Follow-up the work of the Consultancy Bureaus periodically, and sending the special system of the data of the Consultancy Bureaus annually to the Ministry according to their request.


 The Staff of the Scientific Affairs Department





Assist. Prof. Dr.  Qutaiba Farhan Dawood



Dr. Faiz Tahsein Fadel

An official of the Scientific Research Section


Assist. Prof. Dr. Ahmed Abdul Jabbar Suleiman

An official of the Unit of Central Laboratory


Dr. Najib Mohammad Hussein

Central Laboratory Unit


Assist. Lec. Hamid Abd Dakhil

Central Laboratory Unit


Assist. Lec. Maan Erthiaa Abd

Scientific Research Section


Mazen Samir Habib

Scientific Affairs Section


Ali Mohamed Ibrahim

Central Laboratory Unit

(Postgraduate Student)


Abdul Rahman Amer Aboud

Central Laboratory Unit


Haidar Shaker Mahmoud

Central Laboratory Unit


Saad Ali Mahmoud

Scientific Research Section


Farhan Abd Harbi

Scientific Research Section


Noor Hamid Hanush

Scientific Research Section


Omar Salah Nweran

Scientific Affairs Section


Powers of the Director:

The Director exercises the following powers:

1. The distribution of tasks among the employees in the department.

2. Granting the routine leaves that do not exceed 10 days and the approval of sick leaves.

3. To recommend the approval of the routine leaves and sick leaves if they exceed 10 days, as well as the approval of study leaves.

4. Supervision of the performance and the follow-up of the employees’ activities.

5. Recommend disciplinary proceedings against negligent employees.

6. Recommending commendation thanks and appreciation to the distinguished and creative employees.

7. Recommending granting promotion and upgrading bonus to the employees.         

8. Recommend the appointment, placement of staff and dispensation for any of the employees in the department in accordance with the laws and regulations.

9. Propose to assign the staff in the department an overtime work according the laws and regulations.

10. The staff represents the department in the scientific and technical conferences and seminars.

11. Distribute the tasks and responsibilities between the employees to help develop the performance of the work and then improving as specified.

12. Recommend to delegate the employees of the department inside the country for a period not exceeding one week.

13. Recommend to grant various allocations for all employees in the department.

14. Evaluate the performance of the staff and submit it to the relevant authorities.

15. Propose a temporary appointment of employees to fill the shortage in the staff to ensure the work flow.

16. Recommend the fixation of the employees of the department after the completion of the approbation period.

17. Recommend the assignment of a staff member of the department in case of one of the employee’s routine and sick or when delegated.

18. Any other responsibilities authorized by immediate superiors.


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