Higher Studies Department

Department of Higher Studies

This department is responsible to the assistant of university president for scientific affairs. It is the link between the colleges of the university and the ministry of higher education and other institutions. It follows the office of research & development in the ministry of higher education & scientific research.

Director of Department: Assist. Prof. Dr. Saad Mahmood Hoaidi Minajid

Structure of the department

1.    Admission Section:

Officer in charge: Mr. Mohammad Abdulrazzaq Rajab

Duties of the section:

-Link between colleges and the ministry (circulation of directions and regulations)

-Preparing the admission plan according to the actual needs of society in coordination with the colleges and obtaining the approval of the ministry

-Preparing the annual academic calendar for admitted students

-Circulation of the regulations of application and admission

-Preparing the admission system, completion of its structure, and inputting the admission plan

-Checking the applicants files annually

-Issuing university orders of admission

-Follow-up of creation, continuation, and re-opening requests in coordination with colleges

-Reception of students and clients wishing to apply and follow-up students' complaints

Follow-up electronic tests and certificates required for application to higher studies

-Cancelation of admitted students who do not satisfy requirements

-Formation of follow-up and checking committees

-Follow-up the curricula of higher studies

Follow-up research scholarships and provide support to students' research

-Preparing the nomination system for officials with study leave in coordination with the ministry

-Study leave (circulation of the regulations of study leave, devising a nomination mechanism, granting letters of consent, issuing university orders of study leave granting, and follow-up of those enjoying study leave (extension, postponement, cancelation) in coordination with colleges.

-Archiving in and out letters of the section


2. Postgraduate students Follow-Up Section

Officer in charge: Dr. Tamader Abbas Rafi

Staff of Section:

-Mr. Abdullah Qais Aulaiwi

-Miss. Sahar Hamad Ahmed

-Mrs. Noha Abdulla Hamad

-Mrs. Wafaa Qadouri abed

The job of this section is to follow-up the students from admission to the submission of theses and dissertations

--Registration of admitted students' commencement of study in coordination with colleges and signing the legal pledges in coordination with legal affairs department

-creating paper dossiers for master and doctorate candidates  

-Archiving all the paper works of the admitted and on-going candidates in their personal dossiers

-Issuing university orders of study extension

-Writing off students and returning written off students

-Transference of students from/to our university

-Follow-up students' affairs with the secretariat of the university council

-Follow-up approval of students' topics and supervision

-fixing vivas dates, formation of examining committees in coordination with colleges, and assessment of theses and dissertations

-Follow-up theses and dissertations paper verification and E-checking

-Archiving in and out letters of the section

-Preparation of databases for on-going candidates right from their study commencement to submission of these and dissertations (both electronic and paper-students' dossiers)

-Conduct statistics on students' numbers (on-going and graduates) –in coordination with the section certificate, documents, & Authentication

--Creating paper dossiers for on-going students to archive all their affairs up to graduation

-Circulation of letters and registration of mail in coordination with the director of the department and other sections

-Archiving official letters and university orders of the students


3. University Orders Section (Graduates and certificates0

Official in Charge of the section:

Staff of the section:

-Mr. Maan abdul-latif Khalef

-Mr. Wathiq Nadum Daham

The job of this section is to issue university orders of graduation after checking all the requirements in coordination with colleges and secretariat of university council

-Preparing electronic and paper databases for the graduates (student's dossier)

-Replies to verification requests of university orders and documents issued by university

-Checking and certifying the certificates of graduation in cooperation with the office of the scientific vice-president of the university

--Checking and certifying wall certificates in coordination with the office of the scientific vice-president of the university

-preparing statistics on the number of graduates by colleges, departments, and specialization and providing the department of planning and follow-up with a copy of these statistics

-Establishing an electronic database for the graduates and updating it periodically

-Replies to the ministry's inquiries on theses and dissertations

-Archiving official letters and university orders of the students




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