Quality Assurance & Academic Performance Department

Quality Assurance and Academic Performance Department

 Profile of the Department

The department of Quality Assurance and Academic Performance was introduced in 2013 after it was a division of the University presidency. The department aims to build an effective system to assure and disseminate the culture of quality and accreditation among all employees in the university. It also consolidates a culture of self-evaluation and continuous improvement of the performance of the University faculties in accordance with the University message and the criteria of quality assurance. The department is so significant that it is connected directly to the President of the University.


Directors of the Department since its establishing:

1- Dr. Raed Mahmoud Hassan.

2. Prof. Dr. Qasim Nayef Alwan.

3. Dr. Araak Aboud Amir.

4. Atheer Abdulhamid Khashan

5- Assist. Prof. Dr. Zeina Mohammad Hassan.


The Responsibilities of the Department

1. Develop and cultivate the culture of quality and accreditation in the Colleges of the University.

2. The formulation of a comprehensive strategy to assure the quality and accreditation in the university with the identification of the strategic objectives and programs needed for the development of the performance of the university.

3. Evaluating the performance of the university and colleges and the educational programs to make the necessary steps to determine the level of performance and quality.

4. The follow-up of the implementation of quality assurance and performance assessment programs for all the colleges of the university and to ensure the understanding of the mechanisms when applied.

5. Helping the units of quality assurance and accreditation in the colleges of the university in strengthening its role to improve performance, technical supervision and consultancy services to implement the standards of quality assurance.

6. Field visits to all university Colleges to ensure the implementation of the standards of quality assurance.

7. The systematic preparation, planning and follow-up to ensure the success of the self-evaluation of the performance of Colleges and their various programs.

8. Stimulating University Colleges to carry out self-evaluation in order to ensure the quality of all components of the educational process in the University.

9. Gathering the results of self-evaluation of the performance of the Colleges, analyzing them and extracting the points of strength and weakness, and making suggestions to develop and improve the performance of the Colleges as a step toward the academic accreditation which promotes the improvement of the educational process in the University.

10. Creating rules and procedures for the control and periodic follow-up of the implementation of the criteria for the quality assurance and accreditation of the Colleges.

11. Providing counseling and guidance for Colleges, which do not achieve the required levels of quality assurance in accordance with the required standards.

12. The follow-up of the efficiency of the University and its Colleges regarding the infrastructure, the educational activities, the culture of learning and the level of interaction between the University and society.

13. Direct communication and coordination with the department of quality assurance and accreditation in the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research for the follow-up of quality assurance and accreditation operations.

14. Cooperation with the corresponding departments in the other Universities in order to increase the benefit through the exchange of experiences.

15. Participation in local and international conferences and symposia and organizing conferences to assure quality and accreditation in the University.

16. Issuance of publications and brochures in the field of quality assurance and accreditation.

17. The activation of the units of quality assurance in all Colleges and technical supervision to improve the performance of the Colleges.

18. Any other responsibilities authorized by the University to support quality assurance for accreditation.


The Department consists of four Units:

1-   Quality Assurance Unit


The department seeks to disseminate the culture of quality and meeting the requirements of both the institutional and programmatic accreditation of the Colleges and the various academic programs to enable the University to continue to fulfill its mission and achieve its goals.


The Responsibilities of the Unit:

1. Revision and updating of the strategy of the University and its mission and strategic objectives in light of the developments and updates to promote the higher education.

2. To follow-up and implementation of the plan of the University with regard to quality assurance in order to ensure the academic accreditation for the University and Colleges, which enhances the quality of the educational process in the University.

3. Raising awareness among the members of the teaching staff and students and all the staff of the University of the importance of the application of quality assurance and accreditation system and consolidating the information on the mechanisms of quality assurance and accreditation.

4. Laying the rules and procedures for the monitoring and periodic follow-up of the implementation of the criteria of quality assurance and accreditation.

5. Proposing the standards of the University performance and quality control for the components of the educational process associated with the professor, curricula, laboratories, infrastructure of the university, the student and evaluation of performance.

6. Supervision of the exchange of information with the specialized educational institutions and comparing the standards applied in the Universities and developing them.

7. Proposing and establishing procedures, guiding rules and manuals to develop and improve the performance in order to ensure the quality of the performance of the University.

8. Provide counseling and guidance to the University Colleges, which did not achieve the required levels of quality assurance.

9. Encourage the spirit of competition between University Colleges to improve the educational process and its outputs.

10. The preparation of periodic follow-up reports on the activities of the unit and submits them to the department of quality assurance and accreditation at the University.

11. Any other responsibilities authorized by the University to ensure the quality of the educational process.


2-   The Unit of Assessment of University Performance


The unit seeks to measure the performance of the University and Colleges to ascertain of the extent of meeting the requirements of the quality assurance and accreditation in as well as the adoption of self-assessment for the University Colleges systematically.


The Responsibilities of the Unit:

1. Evaluating the performance of the University and Colleges and making the necessary steps to determine the level of performance and quality.

2. Establishing a database of the activities of the University and Colleges to follow-up the development of the educational process.

3. Helping the University Colleges through the units of evaluating performance to conduct the self-evaluation studies and preparing and processing required for accreditation.

4. Conducting and participating in field studies to match the output of education to the needs of the labor market and provide guidance in this aspect.

5. To ensure the achievement of the objectives of the Colleges to take appropriate actions to assess their programs and outputs using various measurement tools.

6. Providing the technical advice to the University and Colleges in the field of developing and implementing the systems of evaluating the performance and quality assurance.

7. Developing the necessary procedures for the implementation of quality assurance standards, on which the requirements of quality assurance and accreditation of the University are measured.

8. Preparing periodic reports on the activities of the unit and submitting them to the department of quality assurance and accreditation in the University.

9. Preparation and planning to follow-up the self-evaluation of the activities of the University and Colleges and the various programs and follow-up the implementation.

10. Collecting the results of self-evaluation studies and analyzing them showing the positives and negatives, and introducing the necessary proposals to develop and improve its performance.

11. Any other responsibilities authorized by the University to support the process of evaluating the performance of the University.


3-   The Unit of Training and Technical support


The unit seeks to establish training courses and continuous improvement of human resources in the University and Colleges, in addition to providing technical support with regard to the Internet, computers and networks and the establishment of a database, conferences and workshops.

The Responsibilities of the Unit:

1. Take advantage of the results of self-evaluation of the performance of the Colleges in directing the inputs of the educational process and propose appropriate means and methods for the development and continuous improvement of performance.

2. Work on the implementation of the training courses and workshops to contribute to building the institutional capacity of the university.

3. Holding symposia and lectures to raise awareness to enhance the culture of quality and continuous improvement in the performance of the University and various Colleges.

4. Develop programs for continuous improvement of the quality of education and learning, scientific research and community service.

5. Developing programs to improve the performance of the University Colleges that did not achieve the required levels of quality, in order to overcome the shortcomings in the performance to achieve the desired level of quality assurance.

6. Work on the formation of trained members of the teaching staff in the field of quality assurance and accreditation in the University and various Colleges.

7. Preparing periodic reports on the work of the unit and submitting them to the department of quality assurance and accreditation in the programs of developing and improving the activities of the University and Colleges.

8. The issuance of brochures, pamphlets and guidance in support of quality assurance and accreditation.

9. Any other responsibilities authorized by the University to support the process of improving performance.


4-   The Unit of Laboratory Accreditation


The laboratory accreditation unit aims to provide the researcher with accurate results for the quality of scientific research, the originality of scientific research and the accuracy of the results of laboratory tests to satisfy the customer according to the international quality standards and according to ISO (ISO17025) standards.


The Responsibilities of the Unit:

1. The laboratory Accreditation unit is authorized of laboratory accreditation to the Colleges and Centers laboratories.

2. Follow-up the implementation of the requirements of international standards such as the (ISO17025 standards).

3. To identify which laboratories are the best in a transparent and accurate way according to technical indicators that ensure the accuracy of the results of the evaluation of professional laboratories in Colleges.

4. The common encoding of laboratory equipment.

5. The follow-up of the supervision and rehabilitation of the laboratories of the Colleges in different fields of specialization away from the functions connected to consultancy bureaus, which are within the authority of the Ministry of Planning/ the Central Agency for Standardization and Quality Control.

The Organization Structure


The Powers of the Director of Department:

The Director exercises the following responsibilities and powers to ensure the flow of the work:

1. The distribution of tasks among the employees in the department.

2. Granting the routine leaves that do not exceed 10 days and the approval of sick leaves.

3. Recommending the approval of ordinary leaves, sick leaves that exceed 10 days, in addition to the study leaves.

4. Supervision of the performance of the work and the follow-up of the activities of the employees.

5. The recommendation to disciplinary proceedings against negligent employees.

6. The proposal to grant commendation and appreciation to the distinguished and creative employees.

7. The recommendation to grant promotion and upgrading bonus to the employees of the department.

8. The recommendation of appointment, placement of staff and dispensation of any of the employees in the department according to the laws and regulations.

9. Propose to assign the staff in the department an overtime work according to the laws and regulations.

10. Representation of the department in the scientific and technical conferences and seminars.

11. The distribution of tasks and responsibilities among the employees to help develop the performance of the work as specified.

12.  Recommending the delegation of staff members inside the country for a period not exceeding one week.

13. To recommend various allocations for all the employees in the department.

14. Evaluation of the performance of the staff and submitting it to the relevant authorities.

15. The proposal of a temporary appointment of employees to fill the shortage in the staff to ensure the work flow.

16. To recommend approval of the fixation of the staff of the department of their employment at the completion of the legal term required.

17. Recommending the assignment of a staff member to another one in case of routine and sick leaves or when delegated.

18. Any other responsibilities and powers authorized by immediate superior.

Staff of the Department




Assist. Prof. Dr. Zeina Mohammed Alsabti

Director of the section



Msc. Hadeel Mohammed Taher

Director of Laboratories Accreditation

Master in computer science


Mr. Ayman Mohammed Zaki

Director of quality assurance

 Bachelor of Total Quality Management


Mr. Kareem Nadhim Mansour

Director of assessment of university performance

Bachelor of Management and Economics


Mr. Ahmed Khalifa Saqr

Director of training and technical support

Bachelor of Management and Economics


Msc. Mohammed Ibrahim Salman


Master in computer science


Rasha Saad Salim


Bachelor of biology science


Muhannad Jassim Hasan


 Bachelor of Total Quality Management



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