Cultural Relations Department


Department of Cultural Relations        

  About The Department


The Department of cultural relations was founded with the university foundation in 1987 as one of the departments of the University Presidency. It represents the opening of cultural gate for university of Anbar towards the universities inside the country, the Arab and international universities. Several cultural and scientific agreements have been held with some Arab and international universities to contribute to developing the university as a scientific and cultural institution, in order to provide Iraq with experts and advanced scientific minds. The department organized a special schedule for training and sending many professors and staff for training in different specializations to many countries in the world including Russia, United States of America and United Kingdom. Also, the department is involved in delegating many undergraduate and postgraduate students in scholarships and fellowships to prestigious universities around the world. Finally, it is directly associated with the university assistant president for scientific affair’s office.



 Scholarships & cultural relations department aims to create scientific and cultural connection with the world. This will promote the university and rank it in a suitable place within the world universities’ ranks.



 The university is the vision for the society’s future. The university advancement is a moral responsibility for every member of the society. No one has an excuse to fail in holding the burden for that responsibility.


 The Objectives


1.  Opening horizons toward Iraqi, Arab and world universities, in order to create a certain form of scientific and cultural communication with them


2.   Sending the largest number of post-graduate students in scholarships, fellowships and study leaves to international universities, especially those that have a privileged position within the international classification for the purpose of using the capabilities in them to graduate an efficient staff which contributes to the development of the university and raise its scientific level.


3. Encouraging teaching staff to contribute to the international scientific conferences with their researches and articles in order to develop constructive relationships with their counterparts in different countries.


4. Encouraging master's and doctorate students in Iraq to take the advantages of the opportunities of research delegations and completing some parts of their projects in international universities, which award their researches scientific validity. Also, the department helps them in obtaining research offers from those universities.


5. Utilization of workshops and courses held in different Arab and foreign universities in various disciplines, especially the scientific ones to develop the efficiency of teaching    staff and employees of the University.


6. Signing Memorandums of Understanding with Arab and international universities to facilitate access of study and research opportunities and the transfer of modern technology in various fields.


 7. Facilitate the process of awarding offers from foreign universities for students who have been awarded scholarships or study leaves through the memorandums of understanding held between our university and those universities.


8. Encouraging   assistant professors and professors of our university to go into one year scientific leave in the international universities and facilitating their application to those universities


9. Encouraging PhD holders to pursue their post-doctoral studies in order to develop their scientific and research capabilities


10. Hosting professors from abroad


11. Participation in prizes, competitions and conferences outside of Iraq


12. Verification and assessment of international certificates


The Duties


- Holding cooperation and twinning memos of understanding with Arab &international universities.


- Maintaining the link between university of Anbar and other universities through communication, mutual benefit and joining the international scientific organizations and unions.


- Sending students abroad in fellowships.


- Granting study leaves outside Iraq.


- Delegating university teaching staff, employees and students for training and scientific research.


- Granting full-time scientific leave to professors outside Iraq.


- Sending students in study and research delegations.


- Loan the services of professors from and to other universities.



 Sections of the Department


1. Studies and Abroad Students Affairs Section. This is responsible for the following:


-Unit of Scholarships.


- Unit of Fellowships and Grants.


- Unit of Self-funding studies and study leaves.


2. Cultural Relations Division. This is responsible for the following:


- Unit of Delegations.


- Unit of Agreements.


- Unit of Ratification and certificates’ assessment.


-Unit of Scientific and cultural consultations.


- Unit of International and Arab organizations.


- Unit of Translation, administrative affairs and e-mail correspondence.


 Agreements Memorandums of Understanding


Cultural Relations department held memorandums of understanding with a number of Arab and foreign universities:


  First: Arab Universities:


1. University of Aleppo / Republic of Syria


2. University of Damascus / Republic of Syria


3. Al-Baath University / Republic of Syria


4. University of Kalamoun / Republic of Syria


5.  Arab Center for the Study of Arid Zones and Dry Lands / Republic of Syria


6. Cairo University / Republic of Egypt


7. Helwan University / Republic of Egypt


8. Al-Isra University / Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan


9. Sana'a University / Republic of Yemen


10. University of Saba / Republic of Yemen


11. University of Science and Technology / Republic of Yemen


  Second: Foreign universities:


1. University of North Carolina / United States of America


2. University of Fresno / United States of America


3. New York University / United States of America


4. University of Pannonia / Hungary


5. University of Foul grad / Russia


6. University of Varonish / Russia


7. Energy and Research Institute / Russia


8. University of Bangor / United Kingdom


9. University of Nottingham / United Kingdom


10. University of Liverpool John Morse / United Kingdom


The responsibilities and powers of the director of the department

The Director of the department exercises the following powers and responsibilities to ensure the flow of work in the department:

1.    The distribution of tasks among the staff of the department 

2.    Granting routine leaves permissions that do not exceed 10 days and the approval of the sick leave.

3.    Recommending the applications for more than 10 days routine and sick leaves and study leave

4.  Supervising the performance of the work in the follow-up of the activities of the employees

5. Recommending disciplinary proceedings against the negligent employees.

6. Recommending commendation and appreciation of distinguished and creative employees.

7. Recommending granting department employees promotion and upgrading bonus

8. Recommending appointment, placement of staff, and dispensation of department affiliates according to the rules in power

9. Proposing that the employees in the department be assigned overtime work according to the laws and regulations of the organization.

10. Representing the department in relevant conferences and symposia

11. The distribution of tasks and responsibilities among the staff members of the department to help   develop and improve the performance of the work as specified.

12. Recommending the delegation of staff members inside the country for a period not exceeding one week.

13. Recommending the granting of various allocations to all staff members of the department

14. Evaluation of the performance of the staff of the department and submitting it to the relevant authorities.

15. The proposal of a temporary appointment of employees in the department to gap staff shortage to ensure work flow.

16. Recommending the fixation of the staff members of the department after completion of approbation period

17. Recommending the assignment of a staff member to be an acting head of department when in routine and sick leave or when delegated.


18. Any other responsibilities and powers authorized or granted by immediate superiors

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