On Thursday, 30/3/2017, the President of Anbar University, Prof. Dr. Khalid Battal inspected the University's main site in Ramadi, following the progress of the study and the on-site rehabilitation and reconstruction.
Dr. Battal started his visit viewing the dormitories’ compound of the Faculty of Agriculture, which was severely damaged by the military operations. He made his effort to view the upper floors of the building, despite the absence of stairs to climb because of the total damage. He directed the Engineering Advisory Office to conduct a field study of the damages in the site in order to find out the suitable treatment. Moreover, his Excellency listened to a detailed explanation of the building from the director of reconstruction and projects in the presidency of the University, Dr. Adil Nawar.
Dr. Battal also inspected other faculty’s buildings and agricultural fields and then concluded his visit by inspecting the original University’s site in Al-Tameem area.