Staff Portal
Sondos Mohammed Saeed Fathi (Professor)

PhD in Kinetic learning / properties
Sports Education - Physical Education


Name: Sandus Mohammed Saeed Fathi Al-Sheikhly

Marital status: Married

Specialization: Motor learning/properties

Job: Teaching

Degree: Professor

Address Anbar /Ramadi

Title of work Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Sciences / Anbar University




Impact of concept schemes on cognitive achievement and performance of top-of-the-board volleyball skills for junior high school students

Contemporary Sports Magazine 17 (2), 130-142


The Effect of Proposed Exercises Using Sponge Mat On the Level of Performing Offensive Skills in Sitting Volleyball‏

journal of physical education 30 (1)‏


Impact of proposed exercises using the sponge rug in the performance of offensive skills in volleyball-seating

Physical Education and Sports Science 30 (1), 64-80


The impact of educational concept schemes in cognitive achievement and the level of performance of the passing skill from the top and bottom of the volleyball to the students of the preparatory school

Anbar University Journal of Physical and Sports Sciences 4 (16), 123-137



Effect of visual exercises designed, in the concentration of attention, in the skill of crushing multiplication, in volleyball-seating

Physical education and sports science 26 (4), 70-81


Following selected exercises for flexibility in the performance of some ground movements in 30 years (year-old artistic gymnastics for males of ages)

Anbar University Journal of Physical and Sports Sciences 2 (9), 448-460


The impact of a proposed training curriculum to develop some physical and maharia cod in table tennis for young people

Anbar University Journal of Physical and Sports Sciences 2 (9), 185-213


The effect of using targeted and complex discovery techniques in improving the learning of the skill of bra handling with basketball

Anbar University Journal of Physical and Sports Sciences 2 (7), 119-153



Impact of sports activity on the motor, psychological and social development of 5-year-olds


University of Anbar Sport and Physical Education Sciences 1 (4)‏



The impact of varying training in the development of the strength of the muscles of the two men for basketball players

Journal of Research Faculty of Basic Education 11 (2), 507-520


Social pressure and its impact on the values of students of the Faculty of Sports Education at Diyala University

Al-Fatih journal 7 (46)‏


The impact of using the method of inclusion in learning the skill of shooting from stability and jumping forward with a handball on students of the second stage at the Faculty of Sports Education at Anbar University

University of Anbar Sport and Physical Education Sciences 1 (4)‏


Motivations for applying to the Faculty of Sports Education - Tikrit University

Journal of Sports Science 2 (2), 408-423


Al-Jamnastak studied art from the point of view of students of the Faculty of Sports Education - Baghdad University for the academic year 2007-2008

Journal of Sports Education 21 (3), 155-171


Proposed training program to develop flexibility for elementary school students experimental research to develop the flexibility of the shoulder joint, spine and hip


Physical Education and Sports Science 21 (2), 96-109



The impact of some teaching methods on learning one of the vocabulary of your artistic gymnastics curriculum

Physical Education and Sports Science 20 (3), 60-67


The effect of the fear factor on the level of performance in jumping on the horse open" for female students

Sports Education Magazine 20 (4), 137-146


Stages of motor development to teach discus throwing at the beginner level


Physical Education and Sports Science 20 (2), 196-206




No. Subjects Lectures Stage File Video
1 Disabled sport General mental abilities (intelligence) First
2 Disabled sport Peripheral and cerebral disabilities First
3 Disabled sport Mental disabilities First
4 Disabled sport Obesity First
5 Disabled sport sugary First
6 Disabled sport Epilepsy First
7 Disabled sport Disabling factors for people with special needs First
8 Disabled sport Behavioral effectiveness of the mentally different First
9 Disabled sport Heart disease First
10 Disabled sport paralysis Children First
11 Disabled sport General mental capacity First
12 Disabled sport Historic entrance for people with special needs First
13 Sources Sources Book of Sports Education and Multiple Disa First


Bachelor: Baghdad University Faculty of Education Sports /1983

Master: University of Basra Faculty of Sports Education/ 1989

Ph.D.: B.A.: Baghdad University Faculty of Sports Education for Girls / 2005

Master/14 Students 

PhD / 8 students 

Writing the book "Disabilities"  ) 

Courses, seminars and scientific workshops No. 10 

He wrote thanks to The Minister /2

He wrote thanks and appreciation for the deanship /12