Staff Portal
Marwan Abdel Hamid Youssef (Lecturer)

PhD in Dynamic learning

Sports Education - Physical Education


Marwan Abdulhameed Youisf Alheety


Doctorate of Physical Education and Sports Science


Academic Title :Assistant Professor







Motor physical intelligence and its relationship to the accuracy of the performance of technical skills in beach volleyball

University of Anbar Sport and Physical Education Sciences



Visual spatial intelligence and its relationship to the accuracy of technical skills performance in beach volleyball

University of Anbar Sport and Physical Education Sciences




The use of kinesthetic exercises in developing the speed of reaction and kinetic response and its impact on the accuracy of performing the skill of the forehand and backhand badminton

University of Baghdad Sport and Physical Education Sciences



The Effect of Stopping Training in Some Physical and Functional Variables and Sending Table Tennis


Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development



The effect of using shuttlecock at a different speed to develop the complex motor reaction time and some cognitive abilities, kinetic sense and skill of the strike in the game of badminton

University of Duhok Sport and Physical Education Sciences




Suprvising 12 4th stage students.

No. Subjects Lectures Stage File Video
1 swimming sport Swimming Definition First
2 swimming sport Areas of use of swimming First
3 swimming sport Modern technical analysis of swimming methods (for First
4 swimming sport Modern technical analysis of swimming methods (che First
5 swimming sport Modern technical analysis of swimming methods First
6 swimming sport Factors influencing the learning swimming educatio First
7 Tests and measurements The concept of testing Second
8 Tests and measurements scaling Second
9 Tests and measurements Calendar Second
10 Testing and measurement Scientific foundations for testing Second
11 Testing and measurement Test design and preparation steps Second
12 Testing and measurement Stages of organizing and managing tests and measur Second
13 Testing and measurement Classification in sports education Second
14 Testing and measurement Physical test models Second
15 Testing and measurement Models of the psychological scale Second
16 Testing and measurement Models of psychosomatic testing Second
17 Testing and measurement Evaluation, evaluation and relationship Second
18 Testing and measurement Measurement and mathematical measures Second
19 Testing and measurement Key concepts of tests Second


Participating in 7 seminars held by thecollege.

Received 12 Letters of gradatude and appreciation from the president of the university .

Participating in 5 Scientific Conferences.

Received 3 Trannig degrees.