Staff Portal
Adnan Fadous Omar (Professor)

PhD in Athletic Training / Football
Assistant Dean for Administrative Affairs
Sports Education - Physical Education


Adnan Faddous Omar Rabie al-Dulaimi

Scientific title professor

Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Sciences

Anbar Housing Card/Hit District

Anbar University football coach for several seasons



The Effect of Complex Exercises in Different Shapes and Spaces to Develop Some Special Physical Abilities and the Velocity of the Skillful Performance of Football Players


Journal of Global Pharma Technology 10 (6), 171-180



The Effect of Complex Exercises Using the Strategy of Pressure Game to Develop the Energy Expended for the Heart and the Speed of the Skilled Performance of the Football Playersr

Journal of Global Pharma Technology 10 (3), 839-944



The Impact of Training Pattern According to the Function Exercises of Play to Develop the Some of Physical Capabilities and the Performance Accuracy of the Fundamental Skills


Journal of Global Pharma Technology 10 (3), 784-790

The Effect of Complex Exercises in Different Shapes and Spaces to Develop Some Special Physical Abilities and the Velocity of the Skillful Performance of Football Players


Journal of Global Pharma Technology 10 (6), 171-180



The Effect of Complex Exercises Using the Strategy of Pressure Game to Develop the Energy Expended for the Heart and the Speed of the Skilled Performance of the Football Playersr

Journal of Global Pharma Technology 10 (3), 839-944



The Impact of Training Pattern According to the Function Exercises of Play to Develop the Some of Physical Capabilities and the Performance Accuracy of the Fundamental Skills


Journal of Global Pharma Technology 10 (3), 784-790



The effect of complex exercises in different forms and spaces to develop some special physical abilities and speed of complex skill performance of football players

2nd International Scientific Sports Conference in Sports Science and Technology 2016 / Tunisia



The impact of consensual exercises (skilled physical) in a variety of forms in the development of some of the physical abilities and basic skills of the footballers of the halls

Anbar University Journal of Physical and Sports Sciences


The impact of using team competition to improve the performance of some of the basic skills and motor abilities of football


Journal of Sports Science 1 (4), 321-347


The effect of consensual exercises (physical - mahareh) in different forms and spaces in some physical abilities and the speed of the combined skill performance of the advanced footballers


Sports Culture 6 (2), 49-67


The impact of skilled exercises on the training network to develop some physical abilities and rules of plans and their effectiveness during competitions for advanced football players

Anbar University Journal of Physical and Sports Sciences


The impact of complex exercises on the training network to develop some physical abilities and complex skills and their effectiveness during competitions for advanced football players

Anbar University Journal of Physical and Sports Sciences


The impact of using the different station style to improve the performance of some basic physical skills for handball for students of the second stage of the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Sciences / Anbar University


The 6th Annual Scientific Conference (International II) of the Faculty of Basic Education - University ...


The effect of the fatigue curve on the functional state of the heart and the periodic system and its relationship to the accuracy of the shooting of football


The 6th Annual Scientific Conference (International II) of the Faculty of Basic Education - University ...


The impact of proposed mental training exercises on the accuracy of shooting in the football and hand games for second graders - Faculty of Sports Education - Anbar University

Journal of Sports Science 4 (2 Supplement Issue I), 120-137


The impact of proposed mental exercises for mental training on the accuracy of shooting in the football and hand games for students of the second stage faculty of physical education and sports sciences / Anbar University

Journal of Sports Science / Diyala University 1 (5)


Measuring emotional balance among students of the Faculty of Sports Education, Anbar University

Anbar University Journal of Physical and Sports Sciences 1 (4), 134-156


The impact of high voltage intensity on the level of remembering, sense of time and awareness of distance in football players

chiang-mai thailand exercise sports as medicing


Analysis of the level of complex motor skill performance of the Iraqi team participating in the finals of the Confederations Cup in South Africa 2009

Anbar University Journal of Physical and Sports Sciences 1 (3), 167-180



No. Subjects Lectures Stage File Video
1 Athletic training recovery Postgraduate
2 Athletic training Young training Postgraduate
3 Athletic training Adaptations in sports training Postgraduate
4 Athletic training Training load Postgraduate
5 Athletic training Form Postgraduate
6 Athletic training Types of planning_ in sports training Postgraduate
7 Athletic training Severity and intensity of the pregnancy_training Postgraduate
8 Athletic training Repetitive training method Postgraduate
9 Athletic training The meaning and concept of training methods Postgraduate
10 Athletic training Energy Systems Postgraduate
11 Athletic training Modern methods and methods in sports training Postgraduate
12 Athletic training Sports training Second
13 Athletic training Modern training methods Second
14 Athletic training Carry training Second
15 Athletic training Severity of pregnancy Second
16 Athletic training The method of training Second
17 Athletic training The method of training Second
18 Athletic training Training rules Second
19 Athletic training Stages of sports training Second
20 Athletic training Sports training components Second
21 Athletic training Components and foundations of the formation of the Second


Master of Sports Education 2008/Anbar University

Ph.D. Physical Education and Sports Sciences/Sports Training 2015 Anbar University

Member of the Iraqi Sports Training Association 

Heat Sports Club Coach 

Hassal on a C-class training certificate

Holds a third degree certificate of arbitration