Staff Portal
Suad Shallal Shahatha Saleh (Professor)

PhD in Parasiology
Center of Desert Studies - Research Centers


Name:  Suad Sh. Shahatha Saleh

Certificate: PhD

Scientific degree: professor

Specialization: parasitology

Position: Academic staff

work address: Center of Desert Studies- University of Anbar

Department: Desert Development

Religion: Muslim

Martial status: Married

No. of children: 3



  Research published in journals:


 Hasan, A. I., Ajaj, H. A., Abood, N. M., Shahatha, S. S., & Mousa, M. O. (2023). RESPONSE OF YIELD AND QUALITY OF THREE CULTIVARS OF MAIZE TO FOLIAR SPRAYING WITH AGRIKERTOP NUTRIENT SOLUTION. Ann. For. Res66(1), 1423-1431. link

‏    Mukhlif, F. H., Ramadan, A. S. A., Hammody, D. T., Mousa, M. O., & Shahatha, S. S. (2023). Molecular assessment of genetic divergence among maize genotypes. SABRAO J. Breed. Genet55(3),

Shahatha, S. S., Ayyed, I. M., & Mousa, M. O. (2022). An epidemiological and therapeutic study of Sarcoptes scabiei parasite in cows of Anbar province, Iraq. Iraqi Journal of Veterinary Sciences36(1), 103-109. link

Shahatha, S. Sh. (2020). Epidemiological, diagnostic and therapeutic study for mange in sheep of Anbar province- Iraq, Irai Journal of Veretinary sciences . 34(1) :7-1. link.

Shahatha, S. Sh. (2019). An Epidemiological and Diagnostic Study of Anaplasma ovis Parasite in Native Goats in Anbar Province- Iraq, International Journal of Drug Delivery Technology .9(1): 34-38. link. 

Shahatha, S. Sh. (2019). An Epidemiological, Diagnostic and Therapeutic Study of Giardia lamblia in Anbar Province – Iraq, International Journal of Drug Delivery Technology. 9(1); 39-45. link.

Shahatha, S. Sh., Saleh, Th. A. (2019). An Epidemiological, Diagnostic, and Therapeutic Study of the Leishmania tropica Parasite in Iraq’s Anbar Province, Baghdad Science Journal. 15(4): 400-392. link. 

Shahatha, S. Sh. (2019). Evaluation the efficiency of the fungus Metarhizium anisopliae as biocontrol agent for adults of hard ticks Hyalomma anatolicum, Irai Journal of Veretinary sciences . 33(2) : 62-57. link.

Shahatha, S. Sh., Saleh, Th. A .(2019). The effect study of adding extracts of some medicinal plants in the bloody, serological and histological changes of Eimeria necatrix and compared with Amprolium in broiler chickens ross 308. plant archives .19(2):1529-1537. link.

 Shahatha, S. Sh. (2019). An Epidemiological and Therapeutic Study of the Cryptosporidium parvum Parasite in Some Farm Animals in Anbar Province /Iraq, Journal of Global Pharma Technology. 11(3)153-147. link.

Shahatha, S. Sh  ,Thaer abdulqader salih, (2018) .Investigation of parasite Cryptosporidium parvum in different water sources In Anbar province/Iraq  Link

Shahatha, S. Sh. (2017).Prevalenace of Entamoeba histolytica infection in Al Rutba region  Al anbar  governorate and study of effect extract of Frankenia pulverulenta on parasite. Iraqi journal of desert studies,  7(1): 71-64. link.

Shahatha, S. Sh. (2017). Prevalenace of Toxoplasma gondii parasite and their causes in alramadi city / Alanbar. Iraqi journal of desert studies,7(1): 116-109. link. 

Shahatha, S. Sh. , Albayyar, E. A., Mohammed, H.(2014). Prevalenace of hard tickes Boophilus spp. Among cows in some region of  Al anbar  governorate. Anbar journal of pure sciences, 2(8): 4-1. link.

Shahatha, S. Sh. (2013). Prevalenace of Fasciola gigantica among sheep in  Al – anbar governorate and study a goues extract of urtica urense l. on viability. Anbar journal of pure sciences, 3(7): 38-33. link.

Shahatha, S. Sh. , Albayyar, E. A., Mohammed, H.(2013). Study of effect of fungi Beauveria bassiana on the adulte of hard tickes Boophilus microplus. Iraqi journal of desert studies. 5(1): 138-135. link.           

Jamal A. Rahman, Raghad W. Khleel, and Suad S. Shahatha  (2011).  Distribution of Chlamydia trachomatis in Falluja Women Link 

 Shahatha, S. Sh., Khalil, R. W. (2011). The sarcosystiosis caused by sarcocystis cameli infestation  prevalenace among camels in Alanbar governorate/iraq . Iraqi journal of desert studies. 3(1): 191-186. link.

Shahatha, S. Sh. (2007). Prevalenace of hydatid disease infection in some regions of Al – anbar governorate. Anbar journal of pure sciences, 1(2): 42-35. link

Shahatha, S. Sh. (2007). Prevalenace of intestinal parasites infection in some areas of Al-Quim/Alanbar governorate. Anbar journal of pure sciences, 1(3): 34-25. link

2- Research published in conferences: 


Shahatha, S. S., Abood, N. M., & Mousa, M. O. (2022, July). Effect of Marlubium vulgare Plant on Experimentally Infected Albino Mice with Trichomonas muris Parasite and Compare with Metronidazole Drug. In IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (Vol. 1060, No. 1, p. 012071). IOP Publishing. link

Shahatha, S.S.,  Alkubasy ,S.A.,Mousa, M.O.(2021) An Epidemiological and Diagnostic Study of Cyclospora Cayetanen sis Parasite in Anbar Province - iopconference series: earth    and.environmental science (Vol. 735, No. 1, p. 012051). IOP  Publishing. link

 M O Mousa , S A Alkubaisy , N M Abood , S S Shahatha .(2021) Three New Species of Convolvulus L. Records to The Flora of Western Desert, iop conference series: earth and environmental science (Vol. 735, No. 1, p. 012051). IOP  Publishing. link 

Shahatha, S. S.,  Mousa, M. O. (2021)An Epidemiological and Therapeutic Study of Fasciola hepatica Parasite in Goats of Anbar Province-Iraq .  in iop conference series: earth    and.environmental science (Vol. 735, No. 1, p. 012051). IOP  Publishing . link

Shahatha, S. S., Mousa, M. O. (2021). An Eidemiological and Diagnostic Study of the Microfilaria Parasite in Cows in Western Regions of Iraq. in iop conference series: earth and.environmental science (Vol. 735, No. 1, p. 012051). IOP  Publishing. link

Mousa, M. O., Abood, N. M., Shahatha, S. S., & Alawadi, H. F. N. (2021, April).   Anatomical study of the stems of some wild species of poaceae family   in .the western desert. in iop conference series: earth and environmental science (Vol. 735, No. 1, p. 012051). IOP  Publishing link





No. Subjects Lectures Stage File Video
1 Parasitology Introduction to Parasitology Second
2 Parasitology Forms of Parasitism Second
3 Parasitology protozoa Second
4 Parasitology Parasitic Flagellates Second
5 Parasitology Blood Protozoa Second
6 Parasitology Haemosporidia Second
7 Parasitology platyhelminthes Second
8 Parasitology Blood Flukes Second
9 Parasitology Cestoda Second
10 Parasitology Diphlobotherium latum Second
11 Parasitology Nematode Second
12 Parasitology Blood Nematodes Second
13 Parasitology Annledia Second
14 Parasitology Arthropoda Second
15 Parasitology Diptera Second


   Participation in conferences:

- The second scientific conference of pure sciences - College of Education - Anbar University - 2012

-Scientific Research Foundation for Comprehensive Development Conference - Anbar University - 2013

- Aims, Achievements and Obstacles - Desert Studies Center - Anbar University - 2017

-Conference on Science and Energy, the two pillars of reconstruction - Anbar University - 2017

- The First Scientific Conference on Applied Research and Patents - Technical University - Baghdad - 2018

Participation in seminars:

- Biotechnology - Science of the Present and Hope of the Future - College of Science - Anbar University - 2019

-Quantitative methods of auditing - University of Baghdad 2020

-Using Zoom for Effective Presentations - Central Technical University - 2020

-Water scarcity and the role of modern technologies in water management in Anbar Governorate - Faculty of Engineering - Anbar University - 2020

-Basic concepts of scientific publishing in Scopes and Clarifit containers - University of Tikrit - 2020

-How to be a successful scholarly candidate - Dhi Qar University - 2020

-Steps towards self-sufficiency and food security (Anbar Governorate as a model) - Anbar University - 2020

-How to publish a research paper in international journals within Scopes containers - Dhi Qar University - 2020

-E-learning platform Core Sierra - College of Technology - Al-Musayyib- 2020

- The implications of the Corona crisis on investment in financial markets: the Iraq Stock Exchange as a model - Central Technical University-2020

- The educational system in Germany and obtaining a DAD scholarship - Central Euphrates Technical University - 2020

-Body language is the physical expression of the body's potential energy - Dhi Qar University - 2020

-Obstacles to using electronic platforms in teaching and training - Dhi Qar University - 2020

- How to record the video lecture and make adjustments to it - Al-Qasim Green University - 2020

-The options available for a university professor to create an electronic lecture - Central Technical University - 2020

-Academic work strategies during preventive quarantine - Desert Study Center - University of Antwerp - 2020

-Psychological stress of healthy urbanism and its social, economic and political implications - University of Tikrit - 2020

-Methods of refereed scientific responses to the reviewers' notes in high-impact journals - University of Diyala - 2020

-How to manage scientific references using the Mandali program - Middle Euphrates University-2020

-NLP - University of Diyala - 2020

- Telematelalnrone Edmodo platform - Musayyib College of Technology - 2020

-The Role of Follicular Fluid in Follicle Growth - Al-Musayyib College of Technology-2020

- Application of digital technology for teaching and learning in geography - Diyala University - 2020

-Comparison between Google Classroom and Edmodo - University of the Middle Euphrates and University of Cambridge - 2020

-Establishing a model laboratory for tissue culture - Al-Musayyib College of Technology - 2020

-DACUM Curriculum Development - Middle Euphrates University - 2020

- MICROSOFT TEAM - Middle Euphrates - 2020

Participation in workshops:

- Electronic content in educational platforms - Central Technical University - 2020

- integrating technology in technical coyrses - University of Diyala -2020

For transparency in administrative work -  collage  of Al-maarif - 2020

Juvenile Delinquency - College of Al- maarif - 2020

The role of financial and administrative control in reducing commercial corruption - college of Al- maarif  - 2020

What if the Arabs united? What will happen - college of Al- maarif  - 2020

- Sustainable environmental development in Iraq - Anbar University - 2020

Scientific writing for journals with an impact factor - Anbar University - 2020

Managing virtual classrooms and e-learning in scientific platforms - University of Basra - 2021


- Immune challenge to renal transporation  - 2021

- Analytical chamsitry in crime scene- 2021

- Agriculture tchincques whith out soil - 2021 

2021- Shape and color and its effects on children

2021- Requirements for the performance appraisal form

2021- The role of the media in health education and health awareness among university students

-2022- Introducing the magnetic resonance device and its mechanism of action

2022- Methods of analysis and evaluation in scientific research

2022- Societal peace and the role of women

-2022- The impact of women on the science of visions and dreams

2022- Waste recycling is an effective way to preserve the environment

2022-calculation of magazine classification criteria

2022- Research evaluation steps

2022- Safety in oil installations
