Staff Portal
Abdullah Ibrahim Rahim (Assistant Professor)

PhD in Explanation

Science Koran - Education for Women



 name:  Abdullah Ibrahim Rahim Jaddi Al-Hiti

Date of Birth: 9/7/1972

Marital status: married

Number of Children: 4

Religion: Muslim

Specialization: Fundamentals of Religion / Interpretation

Position: Teaching

Academic degree: Assistant Professor

Work Address: Anbar University / College of Education for Girls

Mobile phone: 07808581818





1) The reality of hypocrites and their behavioral phenomena and some of their characteristics in light of Surat Al-Ahzab (objective study) Second Conference of the College of Education for Girls / Iraqi University / Issue 21 / year 2009

2) The behavioral phenomena of the hypocrites in the Badr and Ahad invasions (objective study) Anbar University Journal of Islamic Sciences / Year 2010

3) The reality of hypocrites, their behavioral phenomena and some of their characteristics in light of Surat Al-Hypocrites / Al-Ustad Magazine / year 2011

4) The concept of the word and its connotation in the Holy Quran / Journal of Religion Studies - House of Wisdom_ Baghdad / Issue 23 / year 2012 AD

5) Uncommon pronunciation in the Noble Qur’an (objective study) Journal of the College of Sharia / Iraqi University / year 2012 AD

6) The methodology of Sheikh Abdul Hamid Yen Mahmoud bin Tahmaz in his interpretation of the Noble Qur’an (Surat Al-Baqara as a model) The Second Conference of the College of Islamic Sciences - Anbar University / Issue 38 / year 2012

7) Verses related to plowing in the Noble Qur’an (Analytical Study) “Principle” Journal of the Iraqi University / year 2015 AD

8) Verses related to insects in the Holy Quran (analytical study) Anbar University Journal of Islamic Sciences / Issue 22 / year 2015

9) The constants of blood money in the Noble Qur’an and its variables in the prevailing custom in Iraq / Journal of the College of Islamic Sciences - University of Baghdad / Issue 44 / year 2015

10) The concept of movement and its relationship to time in the Holy Quran / Journal of the College of the Great Imam (may God Almighty have mercy on him) Issue 21 / year 2015

11) Interpretation of the Qur’an with the Qur’an among the Companions and Taabi'een in Surat Al-Anbiya (Collection and Study) Anbar University Journal of Islamic Sciences / Issue 34 / year 2018

12) The phenomenon of intolerance and ways to address it in light of the Holy Qur’an and the Sunnah of the Prophet / First International Conference of Anbar University / Anbar University Journal of Islamic Sciences / Issue 37 / year 2018




No. Subjects Lectures Stage File Video
1 Quran Sciences Quran Sciences First
2 The science of interpretation The concept of interpretation and interpretation Second
3 The science of interpretation The difference between interpretation and interpre Second
4 The science of interpretation The importance of interpretation Second
5 The science of interpretation The value of the interpretation of the old compani Second
6 The science of interpretation The value of the adage of the interpretation of th Second
7 The science of interpretation Interpretation of opinion Second
8 The science of interpretation Israeli women Second
9 The science of interpretation Objective etiquette of interpretation Second
10 The science of interpretation Psychology Second
11 The science of interpretation Artistic literature Second
12 The science of interpretation The stage of interpretation Second
13 The science of interpretation Interpretation in the era of the Prophet, peace be Second
14 The science of interpretation Interpretation in the era of the followers Second
15 The science of interpretation Interpretation in the ages of blogging Second



1) The second conference of the College of Education for Girls / Iraqi University, Iraqi University, 2009 Researcher
2) The Second Conference of the College of Islamic Sciences / Anbar University, Anbar University, 2012 Researcher
3) Symposium on blood money between Sharia and custom, College of Islamic Sciences / University of Anbar, 2013 Attend
4) Symposium on the relationship of the Companions among them in the College of Islamic Sciences / University of Anbar 2013 attend
5) Symposium on drugs and their bad impact on the individual and society College of Islamic Sciences / Anbar University 2017 Lecturer
6) Symposium on intellectual building and its impact on community immunization College of Islamic Sciences / University of Anbar 2017 attend
7) The role of government institutions in Anbar province in fighting corruption, College of Education for Human Sciences / Anbar University, 2017
8) Seminar on Promoting the Role of Women in the Social and Educational Construction in Light of the Holy Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet, College of Education for Girls / University of Anbar 2018 Lecturer
9) Symposium of the university student, his creation, its constituents, the College of the Great Imam (may God Almighty have mercy on him) 2018
10) Symposium on cheating in the university community, reasons_treatment, College of Education for Girls / University of Anbar 2018, attend
11) Conference of Moderation in Discourse Our Way to Peace University of Anbar 2018 Researcher
12) seminars for speaking in classical Arabic in the classrooms of the Faculty of Knowledge University 2018 attend
13)th Sunni Endowment Research Symposium 2018 discussion
14)th Conference for the Advancement of Scientific Research, an essential step in building a unified Iraq, Faculty of Knowledge, University 2018 attend
15) Workshop on promotions of university professors at the College of the Great Imam (may God have mercy on him) 2018 attend
16) Seminar on Student Participation in Literacy, College of Education for Girls / University of Anbar, 2019 Lecturer
17) Seminar on Peaceful Coexistence and Conflict Resolution Rama Environmental Protection Organization 2019 Lecturer
18)th Seminar on Hadith Curricula, its Sciences and Vocabulary decided in the Colleges of Islamic Sciences Reality and Ambition Iraqi Hadith School 2020 attend
19) Quality Management Workshop Principles_ Excellence BADN Academic Foundation 2020 attend