Staff Portal
Jabbar Abed Dahi Hamad (Lecturer)

PhD in Assistant professor of modern Literature and criti

Arabic - Education for Humanities


- Read in novel Ahlam mosteghanemi

- models of characters in the novels of Abd al- Rahman al- sharqawi

-Alienation and sex in the Arabic novel

- Manifestations of heritage in the palestinian novel

- The style of contrast and its impact on the cohesion of the text

- Erotic literature in the Arabic novel


- Bachelors de gree from the faculty of knowledge university

-Masters degree university of Anbar college of Education

- phD unoversity of Anbar college of Education


-supervision of a masters student About my tagged post The religious dlscourse of Ayman Al- Atoum

No. Subjects Lectures Stage File Video
1 Ancient Arab criticism Lntroduction to the meaning of criticism Third
2 Ancient Arab criticism Criticism in the pre-lslamic era Third
3 Ancient Arab criticism Cash in the era of eraly lslam Third
4 Ancient Arab criticism Literary text criticism in the era of the Rightly Third
5 Ancient Arab criticism Literary text criticism in the Umayyad era Third
6 Ancient Arab criticism Criticism in councils of jurists and scholars Third
7 Ancient Arab criticism Pronunciation and meanings Third
8 Ancient Arab criticism lbn Al-moetaaz and the theory of classes Third
9 Ancient Arab criticism lbn Tabataba and the poetic creativity process Third
10 Ancient Arab criticism Qudama lbn Jaafar and the Greek lmpact Third
11 Ancient Arab criticism Amdi and bubget approach Third
12 Ancient Arab criticism Judge Jerjani and the case of thefts Third
13 Ancient Arab criticism Al Marzouki and the column of poetry Third
14 Ancient Arab criticism Abdul Qaher Al-Jarjani and systems theory Third
15 Ancient Arab criticism Hazem Al-carthagini and poetic meanings Third


- participate in the professional ethics course

- participate in continuing education coursses