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Hazem Mohammed Thamil (Assistant Professor)

PhD in jurisprudence

Quran Sciences - Education for Humanities


M.D. Hazim Mohammed Thmeel Hammoud Al-Khateeb

Doctorate in Islamic Jurisprudence

I teach at the College of Education for the Humanities, Department of Qur’an Sciences

Arbitrator in the Sharjah Journal of Sharia Sciences and Islamic Studies

Member of the Guidance Committee at the College of Education for Human Sciences


Mobile: 009647906308869



Researcher Name: Prof. Hazem Mohammed Thmeel Hammoud Al-Kateeb.
  1. Introduction to Abu Al-Layth Al-Samarqandi / Part One / Study and investigation, published in the Journal of the College of  Islamic Sciences, Anbar University, 2013.
Al-Mufti in Explaining the System of Conflict by Abu Al-Barakat Al-Nasfi, The Book of Fasting / Study and Investigation,  published in the Journal of the College of Islamic Sciences, Anbar University, 2013.
Introduction to Abu Al-Layth Al-Samarkandi / Part Two / Study and investigation, published in the Journal of the College of  Islamic Sciences, Tikrit University 2018.
Badi’a al-Huda, when he received the guidance from Abu al-Ikhlas, Hasan bin Ammar bin Ali al-Masri al-Wafa’i al-Sharnbalali  al-Hanafi (d.1069 AH): study and investigation Published in the University of Sharjah Journal of Sharia Sciences and Islamic  Studies, M. 16, p. 2, p. P. 266-296. Link:


Jurisprudence benefits deduced from the hadiths of sea foam, published in the Journal of Literature Al-Farahidi, Tikrit  University 2018.
The danger of preventing children from mosques, published in Principle magazine at the Iraqi University 2018.
The most desirable systems for the rule of reading in the funeral prayer at Umm al-Kitab, authored by Abu al-Ikhlas Hassan  bin Ammar bin Ali al-Masri al-Wafaa al-Sharnbalali al-Hanafi (d.1069 AH) study and investigation, under publication.
Jealousy in Islamic law, under publication.











Bachelor of Sharia at the College of Islamic Sciences, University of Baghdad, 2000-2001
MA in Islamic Jurisprudence at the College of Islamic Sciences, University of Baghdad, 2005
PhD in Islamic Jurisprudence at the College of Islamic Sciences, University of Baghdad 2013

No. Subjects Lectures Stage File Video
1 faqih al-eibadat al-iqama and alathan bab Second
2 faqih al-eibadat al-sawayim zakat bab Second
3 faqih al-eibadat al-jumua'a prayer bab Second
4 faqih al-eibadat al-eidayn prayer bab Second
5 faqih al-eibadat what to do before prayer bab Second
6 faqih al-eibadat what hates to the prayer bab Second
7 faqih al-eibadat complement of what doing before prayer Second
8 faqih al-eibadat complement of true prayer conditions Second
9 faqih al-eibadat judge of who donates with all his money Second
10 faqih al-eibadat judge of who preceded fart in the prayer Second
11 faqih al-eibadat chapter of the prayer on al-jinazah Second
12 faqih al-eibadat chaptre of quorum cows Second
13 faqih al-eibadat zakat book Second
14 faqih al-eibadat praying book Second
15 faqih al-eibadat would allow pay worth in al-zakat Second
16 Fekah References Second


Arbitrator in the Sharjah Journal of Sharia Sciences and Islamic Studies
Member of the Central Guidance Committee in the College of Education for Human Sciences