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Ahmeed Sulaiman Farhan (Lecturer)

MSc in computer science
Computer Center - Scientific Centers


Ahmeed Suliman Farhan has received B.Sc. in Information System Department, AlAnbar University, Iraq, (2007-2011). Also He received M.Sc. in Computer Science Department (2011-2013), Al-Anabar University. The fields of interest are: Multimedia Compression, Image and Video Processing, Computer Vision, Robot Systems, Artificial Intelligence and Information Security. 


  1. Ahmeed Suliman Farhan, Sudad H. Abed and Fouad H. Awad, Color Image Encryption with a Key Generated by Using Magic Square, Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 13 (8): 2038-2041, 2018.
  2. Fouad H. Awad, Reem Ibrahim Hasan,  Ahmeed S. Farhan and Laith Alzubaidi, CONTENT BASED IMAGE RETRIVAL USING COMBINATION HISTOGRAM AND MOMENT METHODS, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, 15th August 2018. Vol.96. No 15.
  3. Ahmed S. Farhan, Wadhah Z. Tareq and Fouad H. Awad, Solving N Queen Problem using Genetic Algorithm, International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887) Volume 122 – No.12, July 2015.
  4. Belal Al-Khateeb and Ahmeed Suliman Design and Implementation of a Goolkeeper Robot, in Proceeding of the First International Scientific Conference, Cihan University, Erbil, IRAQ, 2014.
  5. Ali Makki Sagheer, Ahmeed Suliman Farhan and Ahmed Fawzi Shafeeq, Content Based Image Retrieval using Mean Method, International Journal of Business and ICT, December 2015, Vol.1, No.3-4.
  6. Ali Makki Sagheer, Ahmeed Suliman Farhan and Loay E. George, Fast Intra-frame Compression for Video Conferencing using Adaptive Shift Coding, International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887) Volume 81 – No.8, November 2013.
  7. Ali Makki Sagheer, Sudad Hazem Abed and  Ahmed Sleman Farhan, Design of Robot for Automatic  Object Gripping and Monitoring, in Proceeding of the First International Scientific Conference, Human Development University, Sulaymaniyah, IRAQ, 2014.
  1. Belal Ismaeel Al-Kateeb, Mohammed A. Abdul-jabbar, Sumaya Abdullah and Ahmed S. Farhan, "Enhanced Google-Based Semantic Category Search", Journal of University of Human Development, Vol.1 No.4, September 2015.
  2. Saif Saad, Yousif Hardsif and Ahmeed suliman, "Energy Efficient Leach Protocol for Wireless Sensor Network", International Journal of Scientific Engineering Technology Research, Vol.05, Issue.09, April 2016.
  3. Ahmed S. Farhan, Fouad H. Awad, Khitam Abdulbasit, and Mohammed Adeeb, "The proposed two shift coding Based Compression Techniques", International Conference on current research In Computer Science And Information Technology 26th-27th-2017,  Held by University of Human Development – Kurdistan –Iraq, In Partnership with IEEE Iraq.
  4. Ahmed S.Farhan, Fouad H. Awad and Saif Saad, "Enhance the Hiding Image by Using Compression and Securing Techniques, Iraqi Journal for Computers and Informatics, Vol.(43) Issue(1) 2017.
  5. Ahmeed S. Farhan, Fouad H. Awad and Meaad A. Khalaf, "Lossless Image Compression using Shift coding",International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887) Volume 180 – No.23, February 2018.


No. Subjects Lectures Stage File Video
1 Computer Computer Basics First
2 Computer Operating System First
3 Computer Microsoft Word 2010 First


  1. Ahmed S. Farhan, Fouad H. Awad, Khitam Abdulbasit, and Mohammed Adeeb, "The proposed two shift coding Based Compression Techniques", International Conference on current research In Computer Science And Information Technology 26th-27th-2017,  Held by University of Human Development – Kurdistan –Iraq, In Partnership with IEEE Iraq.
  2. Belal Al-Khateeb and Ahmeed Suliman Design and Implementation of a Goolkeeper Robot, in Proceeding of the First International Scientific Conference, Cihan University, Erbil, IRAQ, 2014.
  3. Belal Al-Khateeb and Ahmeed Suliman Design and Implementation of a Goolkeeper Robot, in Proceeding of the First International Scientific Conference, Cihan University, Erbil, IRAQ, 2014.