Staff Portal
Anter Abdullah Gazay (Assistant Lecturer)

MSc in Methods of teaching the Arabic language

Psychology - Education for Humanities


Assistant Lecturer: Anter Abdullah Gazay

Teaching Staff: Department of Educational and Psychological Sciences

general specialty: Educational and Psychological Sciences

Specialization: Methods of teaching the Arabic language



1- Electronics in teaching Arabic: Assist Lect: Azzelarab M. Ehmaied, Assist Lect: Antar A. Gazay, Assist Lect: Jasim H. Fahad

2- The impact of the RISK program on the achievement and development of critical thinking among the fifth literary students in rhetoric and application/ Assist Lect: Jasim H. Fahad, Assist Lect: Antar A. Gazay, Lect: Mohammed M. AlAni

3- The effect of analogical thinking strategy on the achievement of literature, texts and written communication among fifth grade literary students/ Assist Lect: Antar A. Gazay

4- The reality of the difficulties of applying blended learning in primary schools from the point of view of Arabic language teachers in the first Baghdad Karkh Education Directorate/ Assist Lect: Antar A. Gazay, Assist Lect: Jasim H. Fahad, Lect: Mohammed M. AlAni



Bachelor's degree in the College of Education for Human Sciences, Department of Arabic Language, 2003-2004

Master's degree in the Faculty of Education, Department of Educational and Psychological Sciences, Teaching Methods in the Arabic Language

No. Subjects Lectures Stage File Video
1 Educational and Psychological Guidance in Educational Institutions The role of the educational counselor in dealing w Third
2 Educational and Psychological Guidance in Educational Institutions Tools for collecting information in the counseling Third
3 Educational and Psychological Guidance in Educational Institutions Tools for collecting information in the counseling Third
4 Educational and Psychological Guidance in Educational Institutions Educational guidance in universities, motives for Third
5 Educational and Psychological Guidance in Educational Institutions family counseling Third
6 Educational and Psychological Guidance in Educational Institutions Educational advisor and total quality management Third
7 Educational and Psychological Guidance in Educational Institutions Educational theories in counseling Third
8 Educational and Psychological Guidance in Educational Institutions Guidance Psychological and Ed Third
9 Educational and Psychological Guidance in Educational Institutions Educational and Psychological Guidance Third
10 Educational and Psychological Guidance in Educational Institutions Guidance Psychological and Ed Third
11 Educational and Psychological Guidance in Educational Institutions Guidance Psychological and Ed Third
12 Educational and Psychological Guidance in Educational Institutions Guidance Psychological and E Third
