Staff Portal
Emad Jawad Musa (Assistant Lecturer)

MSc in Law

Arabic - Education for Humanities


  1. Imad Jawad Musa Al-Khafaji.
  2. Anbar University–College of Education for Human Sciences.
  3. aMarital status: Married
  4. Religion Muslim
  5. Position: Director of the Legal Unit

Phone number: 07902152153


  1. Genetic imprinting and its role in detecting crime. Iraqi University Issue 55 Volume 6 2021i

Investigation and difficulties facing the crime of electronic extortion


BBachelor of Law University Knowledge 2014

- Master of Criminal Law, Al-Mustafa International University 2017

No. Subjects Lectures Stage File Video
1 Human rights, democracy and public freedoms human rights in ancient civilizations and societie First
2 Human rights, democracy and public freedoms The second : stage of human rights the middle ages First
3 Human rights, democracy and public freedoms Human rights in the modern era First
4 Human rights, democracy and public freedoms The phenomenon of adminstrtive corrption First
5 Human rights, democracy and public freedoms Defining democracy its froms and types First
6 Democracy and public liberties Controls for the exercise of publicliesberti First
7 Democracy and public liberties Fundamental guarantees and the legal system to pro First
8 Democracy and public liberties Democracy and public freedorn in modem times First
9 Democracy and public liberties Democracy and publicliberties in the Middle Ages First
10 Democracy and public liberties The historical development ofdemocracy and publicl First
11 Democracy and public liberties Forms ofpublic freedoms and types of intellectual First
12 Democracy and public liberties m of andconcept F First
13 Democracy and public liberties liberties public and D First

