Staff Portal
Saadoun Zahir Khalaf Shafi (Assistant Professor)

PhD in Agricultural Geography

Geographic - Education for Humanities


Name:  Saadoon Dhahir Kalf ALdolam

Date of Birth:  1-1-1979

Religion: Muslem

Martial statues: Married

No. of children: 5

Specialization: AqriculturalGeoqraphy 


Scientific Degree: Dr. prof assistant

Work Address: Anbar- Faculty of Human Education 

Work Phone: 0000000

Mobile: 07806089596 



1- The effect of irrigation canals and drainage projects on agriculture in the rural areas of Ramadi.

2- Urban expansion at the expense of agricultural lands in the countryside of Ramadi city center, Taleh district (model for the study).

3- The human factors affecting the change in the cultivation of cereal crops in the districts of Fallujah and Al-Qaim.

4- The problems facing cereal cultivation in the districts of Fallujah and Al-Qaim.

5- Analysis of morphometric properties (elevations and slopes) of the surface of Anbar Governorate, using geomatics techniques.

6- A map of the expansion of the city of Al-Qaim across the geographical environment and determining its future directions.

7- Geographical distribution of protected agriculture in Sulaymaniyah Governorate.


No. Subjects Lectures Stage File Video
1 Agricultural problems Addressing soil erosion Postgraduate
2 Agricultural problems The effect of salts on soil and agricultural produ Postgraduate
3 Agricultural problems Pests of livestock Postgraduate
4 Agricultural problems Technical problems and their impact on agricultura Postgraduate
5 Agricultural problems The causes of the population explosion and its imp Postgraduate
6 Agricultural problems Terrain and its impact on agricultural production Postgraduate
7 Agricultural problems Agricultural pests Postgraduate
8 Agricultural problems Urban expansion at the expense of agricultural lan Postgraduate
9 Agricultural problems Agricultural tenure Postgraduate
10 Agricultural problems Transportation and Marketing Postgraduate
11 Agricultural problems Migration and displacement and its impact on agric Postgraduate
12 Agricultural problems Dredging the soil Postgraduate
13 Agricultural problems Desertification Postgraduate
14 Agricultural problems The problem of water resources Postgraduate
15 Agricultural problems Soil salinity Postgraduate
