Staff Portal
Alaa Saadoun Mohsen Jasim (Lecturer)

MSc in M. A in English Literature

English - Education for Humanities


Name: Alaa Sadoon Muhsen

Scientific rank:  Instructor                                                                                      

Date of Birth: 1-3-1983  


Martial statues: Married 

No. of children: 2

Specialization: English literature 

Position:   .teaching staff

Work Address:  university of anbar, college of education for humanities ,department of  English

Mobile: 009647816084439 



Alaa Sadoon  Muhsen ,Alaa  mohammed  khalaf ,The struggle between man and nature in the poetry of Edwin John Pratt, the journal of al-Anbar for languages and literature ,vol 13,link,2012.

2-      Alaa  Sadoon  Muhsen, The Vengeance theme in William Shakespeare “king lear” ,International Journal of English and education (IJEE) ,vol 5 issue 1 ,2016.

3-      Alaa  Sadoon  Muhsen ,Shakespeare’s Othello : A study in Feminist criticism , International Journal of English and education (IJEE) ,vol 5 issue 4 ,2016.

4-      Alaa  Sadoon  Muhsen ,Mohammed Deraa Farhan, Search for identity and self realization in Toni Morrison “Beloved”, Al-USTATH  JOURNAL,issue 214,2015.

5-      Alaa  Sadoon  Muhsen ,Mohammed Deraa Farhan ,Deception and betrayal in Harold Pinter’s The Dwarfs, The journal of AL-IRAQIA ,issue 44,2019. 


No. Subjects Lectures Stage File Video
1 Drama Characteristics Of Elizabethan Age Second
2 Drama Christopher Marlowe’s life and his works Second
3 Drama An introduction about Dr Faustus Second
4 Drama Summary and analysis scene Second
5 Drama 2Summary and Analysis Scene Second
6 Drama Critical Essays Faustus — Medieval or Renaissance Second
7 Drama Summary and analysis of scene 3 Second
8 Drama Summary and Analysis Second
9 Drama summary and analysis5 Second


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