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Abdullah Mahmood Saleh Kaddouri (Lecturer)

PhD in Production of forage crops

Field Crops - Agriculture


 Name: Abdullah Mahmoud Saleh Kaddouri Addaheri

Place and date of birth: Anbar-Haditha- 1974

Current residence: Anbar - Ramadi

Research interests: forage crops, growth regulators, intercropping.

Phone: 07812991466



1. Effect of Some soil Conditioner in Some Vegetative and fruits traits of Okra plant.

2. Response of yield, yield components, grain protein percent and grain protein yield of sorghum (sorghum bicolor L. Moench) to nitrogen fertilizer.

 3. Response of sorghum to nitrogen fertilizer.

4. Design water oozing for irrigation.

5. Response of forage yield of barley and clover to the intercropping

6. Equivalence and competition of maize (zea mayze L.) and mung bean (vigna radiata L.) Intercropping

7. Effect of Boron and Ethrel on Growth and Yield of Some Oat Cultivars

8. Response of Oat Cultivars to Ethephon and Boron

9. Potential role of cutting date in lodging and yield of three oat cultivars

10. Isolation and Diagnosis of Cadmium-Resistant Bacteria and Its Potential Phytoremedation with the Broad Bean Plant


-Forage and pasture crops.  -Principles of Statistics.

No. Subjects Lectures Stage File Video
1 Statistics Introduction in Statistics Second
2 Statistics statistics Symbols Second
3 Statistics Statistics. Tabular and graphical, presentation Second
4 Pasture management Scientific Index Fourth
5 Statistics Statistics Measures of Central Tendency Second
6 Statistics Statistics Measures of Variation Second
7 Forage and pasture crops Introduction / importance of forage crops Third
8 Forage and pasture crops Legume forage crops. alfalfa Third
9 Forage and pasture crops True Clovers Third
10 Forage and pasture crops Annual Medic Third
11 Forage and pasture crops Sweet clover Third
12 Forage and pasture crops Summer forage grasses Third
13 Forage and pasture crops Winter forage grasses Third
14 Forage and pasture crops Forage Mixtures- Harvesting and preserving forage Third
15 Forage and pasture crops Study of the quantitative traits of pasture plants Third
16 express quality of forage crops Third


. A patent for the design of a spurt irrigation system for agriculture. Central Organization for Standardization and Quality Control 
.Conducting scientific advisory lectures for training courses for students of the high school of agriculture and a group of farmers, which were  . held by the General Authority for Agricultural Extension and Cooperation. 
.Participation in the Fifth International Conference on Desert Studies.

.Preparing and giving a workshop (the possibility of using the system of intercropping for forage crops in Iraq).

.Participation in continuing education courses.

. Participation in internal and external seminars and workshops.


Reviewing research papers

Conducting a community service study with the Agriculture Directorate on the intercropping method