Staff Portal
Duraid Taha Abdulkareem Al-Hadithi (Assistant Professor)

PhD in F.I.B.M.S.uro

Department of physiology - College of Medicine



  1. Cytological finding in patients with haematuria bladder.
  2. The role of Prophylactic WINDOW hydrocelectomy to prevention of post varicocelectomy hydrocele.
  3. Prostate specific antigen and prostatic volume: how they are correlated in patient with benign prostatic hyperplasia.
  4. Association between serum testerone-esradiol ratio and body mass index in obese Iraqi men.
  5. Correlation between serum anti-mullerian hormone AMH and total testerone for those with infertile Iraqi men.
  6. Hematospermia:causes and evaluation (a local study).
  7. Detection of urinary bladder cancer by (ATR-FTIR) spectroscopy.
  8. The Role Folic Acid and Zinc Sulphate in the Treatment
    of Idiopathic Infertility.
  9. Molecular Analysis for Azoospermia Factor Microdeletions in the Y chromosome for Azoospermic and Severe Oligospermic Infertile Iraqi Patients.


No. Subjects Lectures Stage File Video
1 Urinary Surgery Introduction to Urology 1 Fifth
2 Urinary Surgery Introduction to Urology 2 Fifth
3 Urinary Surgery Renal Failure Fifth
4 Urinary Surgery Renal Transplant Fifth


Supervisor of arabic bord of urology in ALRamadi teaching hospital