Announcement of the weekly lesson schedule

Announcement of the weekly lesson schedule

 Our dear students...
The Deanship of the College of Science presents you its greetings and wishes you a successful academic year

Below we announce to you the schedules of the weekly lessons for the first semester of the 2021-2022 school year for morning and evening studies

We would like to clarify the following

The start date for students is on Tuesday 10/12/2021 and will continue for two weeks from the above date

All students must show the vaccination card or bring a PCR test (exclusively) weekly. Students are not allowed to enter the college if the card or test is not brought.

Adhere to the uniform as shown in the table below.

We wish everyone health and safety

Lessons schedule for the Department of Biology  click here  

Lessons schedule for the Department of Chemistry   click here 

Lessons schedule for the Department of Physics    click here

Lessons schedule for the Department of Applied Geology,   click here

Lessons schedule for the Department of Applied Mathematics, click here

Lessons schedule for the Department of Biotechnology    click here


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