Important announcement for applicants for postgraduate studies

Important announcement for applicants for postgraduate studies

 To applicants for postgraduate studies at the College of Science, University of Anbar 2022-2023, we would like to inform you of the following:

1 - The date for the competitive exam is on Tuesday, 17/5/2022 at nine in the morning inside the scientific departments of the College of Science, with the need to be there half an hour before to know where to sit and prepare for the exam
2 - Below is a file containing the names of the applicants distributed among the laboratories in which the competitive examination will be performed, according to the indication against each list.
3- It is necessary to bring the audited form and the civil status identity or the unified card to allow the applicants to enter the laboratories and not to enter any mobile device or smart watch.
4 - The necessity of adhering to preventive and safety measures, and God grants success.
Graduate Studies Unit in the Deanship of the College
To see the names, click here

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