The President of Anbar University inaugurates a number of scientific laboratories in the Department of Chemistry

The President of Anbar University inaugurates a number of scientific laboratories in the Department of Chemistry

 On the blessing of God, Professor Dr. (Mushtaq Talib Al-Nada), the esteemed President of the University, inaugurated the morning of Tuesday, 11/3/2020, corresponding to the provision of services to graduate students, teachers and researchers, in the field of chemical industries used in automated analysis supervised by a number of the department's competent teachers. The President of the University praised the situation in establishing the laboratory and expressed his directives to the laboratory supervisors. The President of the University opened the clinical biochemistry and analytical chemistry laboratories for preliminary studies after their rehabilitation. The opening ceremony was attended by the two assistants, a number of department heads, the Director of Information and Public Relations at the Presidency of the University and a number of teaching staff.

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