Final exams for the first semester of graduate students in the College of Science have begun

Final exams for the first semester of graduate students in the College of Science have begun


Final exams for the first semester for postgraduate students

On the blessing of God the examinations for postgraduate students (Attendance) for the first semester (First Attempt) on Monday, 15 th / 3/2021 for the program master's and doctoral scientific departments (Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Applied Geology), and the college took all health measures through

The respected Dean, Prof. Emad Abdul-Rihman Mohamed Saleh, accompanied by the Assistant Dean for Scientific Affairs and Students, and the Assistant Dean for Administrative Affairs, followed the progress of the exams, and through his inspection tour of the examination halls, the Dean assured the students to adhere to health and preventive measures in order to preserve the students ’health and safety, wishing To them success and success.

In the same context, the Deanship of the College was keen to provide a special hall for injured and touching students, with all health and preventive measures taken in it, in addition to fogging the hall before and after the students entered the exam.

The College of Science Deanship wishes all students success, health and safety.

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