Staff Portal
Ameen Shaman Ameen Ahmed Areem (Lecturer)

PhD in Mathematics \ Graph Theory
Department of Mathematics - Science


  • Name: Ameen Shaman Ameen.                                                    
  • Date of Birth: Iraq   21/07/1966.
  • Gender: Male.
  • Marital Status: Married, (4) children.
  • Nationality: Iraqi.
  • Language Spoken: Arabic & English.
  • Address: Hit, Anbar, Iraq.
  • Work Address: Iraq, University of Anbar, College of Science, Dep. of Applied Mathematics.
  • E-Mail Address: /



  1.  Nahdh S. M. Al-Saif, Ameen Sh. Ameen, Numerical Solution of Mixed Volterra – Fredholm Integral Equation Using the Collocation Method, Baghdad Science Journal, 17(3):849-853, 2020. DOI: link
  2. AMEEN SH. AMEEN, KHATTAB M. ALI ALHEETI AND SALAH A. ALIESAWI , Employing Graph Theory in Enhancing Power Energy   of Wireless Sensor Networks,           JOURNAL OF INFORMATION SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING 36, 323-335 (2020). DOI: 10.6688/JISE.202003_36(2).0011. link
  3. Nahdh S. M. Al-Saif, Ameen Sh. Ameen, Solving Mixed Volterra - Fredholm Integral Equation (MVFIE) by Designing Neural Network, Baghdad Science Journal, Vol.16(1)2019.           DOI: link
  4. KHATTAB M. ALI ALHEETI , AMEEN SH. AMEEN, A NOVEL APPROACH OF MOBILE SECURITY ROBOTICS MOVED BASED ON GRAPH THEORY, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology ,Vol.96. No 14 , 4471-4480 , 31st July 2018. link
  5. Nahdh S. M. Al-SaifAmeen Sh. AmeenGhaith Fadhil Abbas, Solving Three Dimensions Volterra Integral Equations (TDVIE) via a Neural Network, Tikrit Journal of Pure Science, Volume 23, Issue 10, Pages 92-96, 2018
  6. Roslan Hasni, Ameen Shaman Ameen, Yee-Hock Peng, Haixing Zhao , Chromaticity of complete 6-partite graphs with certain star or matching deleted II , Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica, English Series volume 29, pages35–42(2013). link 
  7. Roslan Hasni, Ameen Shaman Ameen, Gee Choon Lau , A remark on chromatically unique 5-partite graphs , Applied Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 7, no. 4, 181 – 195 , 2013. link 
  8. H. Roslan, A. Sh. Ameen,   On Chromatic Uniqueness of Certain 6-Partite Graphs, Applied Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 6, no. 35, 1727 – 1740, 2012. link 
  9. Ameen Shaman Ameen, Yee Hock Peng, Haixing Zhao, Gee Choon Lau and Roslan Hasni, Chromaticity of Complete 5-Partite Graph with Certain Star or Matching Deleted, Thai Journal of Mathematics Volume 10 (2012) Number 1 : 25–34. link 
  10.   H. Roslan, A. Sh. Ameen, Y. H. Peng and H. X. Zhao, Chromaticity of Complete 6-Partite Graphs with Certain Star or Matching Deleted, Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society, Volume 35, Number 1, 2012. link
  11. H. Roslan, A. Sh. Ameen, Y. H. Peng and H. X. Zhao, On chromatic uniqueness of certain 5-partite graphs, Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing volume 35, pages507–516(2011).   link 
  12. A.Sh. Ameen, Y.H. Peng, H. Roslan, A Note on Chromaticity of Certain 6-Partite Graphs, Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering 2010 Vol III, WCE 2010, June 30 - July 2,       2010, London, U.K.   link 
  13. H. ROSLAN, A. SH. AMEEN, Y. H. PENG, H. X. ZHAO, CLASSIFICATION OF COMPLETE 5-PARTITE GRAPHS AND CHROMATICITY OF 5-PARTITE GRAPHS WITH 5n + 2 VERTICES, Far East Journal of Mathematical Sciences (FJMS) Volume 43, Number 1, 2010, Pages 59-72. link



No. Subjects Lectures Stage File Video
1 Graph Theory Notes on Graph Theory Third
2 Graph theory Planar Graph / Part 1 Third
3 Graph theory Planar Graph / Part 2 Third
4 Graph theory Matrix Representations of Graphs Third
5 Graph theory Cycle Matrix / Part 1 Third
6 Graph theory Cycle Matrix / Part 2 (Fundamental Cycle Matrix) Third
7 Graph theory Cut- Set Matrix / Part 1 Third
8 Graph theory Cut- Set Matrix / Part 2 Third
9 Graph theory Relation between ???????? , ????????,???????? Third
10 Graph theory Adjacency Matrix / Part 1 Third
11 Graph theory Adjacency Matrix / Part 2 Third
12 Graph theory Path Matrix Third
13 Graph theory Discussion Third
14 Graph theory Introduction to Graphs (1) Third
15 Graph theory Introduction to Graphs (2) Third
16 Graph theory Introduction to Graphs (3) Third
17 Graph theory Isomorphic Graphs Third
18 Graph theory Graphs and Their Operations Third
19 Graph theory Connectedness of Graphs Third
20 Graph theory Traversability in Graphs \ Eulerian Graphs Third
21 Graph theory Traversability in Graphs (II) Third
22 Graph theory Directed Graphs Third
23 Graph theory Directed Graphs (II) Third
24 Graph theory Minimum cut & Maximum Flow Third
25 Graph Theory Introduction to Graphs\1 Third
26 Graph Theory Introduction to Graphs\2 Third
27 Graph Theory Introduction to Graphs\3 Third
28 Graph Theory Graphs and Their Operations Third
29 Graph Theory Connectedness of Graphs Third
30 Graph Theory Traversability in Graphs\ Eulerian Graphs Third
31 Graph Theory Traversability in Graphs (II) Third
32 Graph Theory Directed Graphs Third
33 Graph Theory Directed Graphs (II) Third
34 Graph Theory Minimum cut & Maximum Flow Third
35 Graph Theory Trees Third
36 Graph Theory Types of Trees Third
37 Graph Theory Isomorphic Graphs Third



  • 1.On chromatic uniqueness of complete partite graphs. Proceedings of 10th International Annual Symposium UMTAS 2011, 11-13 July, Permai Hotel, Kuala Terengganu.
  • 2. A note on chromaticity of certain partite graphs. Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering 2010, Vol. III (WCE 2010), June 30- July 2, 2010, London, U. K.
  • 3. Chromaticity of complete partite graphs with certain star or matching deleted. Prosiding  Simposium  Kebangsaan Sains Matematik Ke-17, 15-17 Disember 2009, Hotel Mahkota, Melaka, 795-802.
  • 4. Submodules of Bounded Modules / Physical & Mathematical Scientific Conference in Baghdad University, 2002.
  • 5. Strongly Bounded Modules / Second Regional Conference of College of Science in  Baghdad University, 2002.

Professional Organizations & NGOs:

1. Member of the editorial board of Anbar University Journal of pure sciences.

2. Member, Iraqi Society for Mathematics.